VMware vCenter Server 8 Standard
VMware vCenter Server 8 Standard המחיר המקורי היה: ₪300.00.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪109.99.
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VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus

מק"ט: 034

המחיר המקורי היה: ₪300.00.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪209.99.

VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus
This item: VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus
המחיר המקורי היה: ₪300.00.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪209.99.
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92 אנשים צופים במוצר זה

VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus Global

VMware vSphere

VMware vSphere is a software environment for managing and running multiple virtualized instances on physical servers. It allows system administrators to manage the software stack, performance, and security of virtualized environments.

When it comes to the Enterprise Plus edition, VMware provides more advanced solutions compared to lower editions. This may include the ability to dynamically allocate resources, advanced monitoring capabilities, higher performance, and support for a wide range of technologies and standards.

Key features of VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus may include:

1. **Centralized Management**: Administrators can manage the entire VMware software environment from a single center, including software updates, system composition, and security settings.

2. **Dynamic Resource Allocation**: Ability to dynamically allocate resources to virtual machines based on demand, allowing for a modular approach and changing allocation as needed.

3. **High Availability**: Support for high-level shared infrastructure such as VMware vSphere Fault Tolerance, providing protection against secondary failures.

4. **Advanced Security Support**: Support for advanced security options such as firewalls and encryption.

5. **Advanced Monitoring and Management Technologies**: Advanced tools for monitoring, documentation, and system management tailored to system requirements.

6. **Support for High-level Multi-environment Configuration**: Ability to efficiently and securely operate multiple environments, including centralized monitoring and management.

7. **Scalability and Migration Options**: Support for a wide range of migration and development options within the VMware workspace.

Remember that to access all the benefits and capabilities of VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus, a suitable license and installation of additional software products such as VMware vCenter Server may be required.

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