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Windows 10 Pro Retail
Windows 10 Pro OEM Online המחיר המקורי היה: ₪499.00.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪159.00.

Windows 11 Pro Retail Online

(4 חוות דעת לקוח)
מק"ט: 026


Windows 11 Pro
This item: Windows 11 Pro Retail Online
Windows 8.1 Professional
ווינדוס 10 פרו
המחיר המקורי היה: ₪500.00.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪219.00.
Windows 11 Home Retail
Windows 10 Pro Retail
המחיר המקורי היה: ₪499.00.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪159.00.
80 אנשים צופים במוצר זה

Windows 11 Pro Retail Global

Windows 11 Professional Retail



developed by Microsoft. This version introduces several new features and improvements compared to its predecessor, Windows 10 Pro.

Here are some of the key features of Windows 11 Pro Retail:

  1. Redesigned User Interface: Windows 11 offers a redesigned and advanced user interface with updated desktop backgrounds, a new Start menu, and enhanced taskbar menus.
  2. Centralized Taskbar and Action Center: Tasks, options, and notifications are now presented in the center of the screen, providing a unique user experience.
  3. New and Streamlined Windows: Windows have a more refined appearance, with a centered active window display and smooth resizing options.
  4. Enhanced Gaming Experience: Windows 11 includes improved support for gaming, featuring advanced multimedia capabilities and enhanced graphics.
  5. Improved System Visibility: Upgrades to system visibility, including a Components menu and advanced management options.
  6. Enhanced Sensory Experiences: Windows 11 provides smoother interactions and a new user experience with improved animations and navigation transitions.

4 ביקורות עבור Windows 11 Pro Retail Online

  1. shokopop

    merci beaucoup ca marche trais bien 🙂

    • Pepa

      de rien merci a vous

  2. Sal

    thank you very much for the whatsapp support it works very well

  3. Russian man

    Большое спасибо, отличные цены, очень дешевые и качественные лицензии на программное обеспечение с отличной поддержкой, большое спасибо. thank you very much

  4. Salim

    shukran ya habibi

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